I have a lot of ideas, and I like to share them with my community
FOSS4GNA ST Louis 2024
A presentation about Guido Stein, Open Source, and Conference Tips.
Present to Spark Associates who are preparing for their future
05/30/2024 online
A presentation about how Open Source
Geospatial Community works within OSGeo and how it can empower you
to do great things.
09/12/2023 online
A gentle introduction and list of resources
for training managers
09/12/2023 online
A gentle introduction and list of resources
for training managers
05/13/2020 online
A presentation to introduce myself to employers, who I am and an
example of a project I worked on and choices made.`
01/14/2019 NY,NY
This presentation was given at
Presentation given at NEURISA 2018
Presentation given at Spring NEARC 2018
Presentation given to the CT GIS Network
Presentation given at NEURISA 2018